Notice: Our Keene, NH Location has moved to 105 Castle Street. 


Serving the Monadnock Region and Sullivan County, our Person-Centered Options Counselors provide up-to-date and unbiased information on and help to those interested in services and support for older adults, adults with disabilities, family caregivers, and others exploring community-based long term care options.

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What is ServiceLink?

ServiceLink Person-Centered Options Counselors listen and explore your preferences and needs, provide unbiased information, and support you and your care partners on the journey to achieve your goals. Areas of focus include but are not limited to:

  • Planning for the future 
  • Caregiver and family support
  • Counseling on alternatives to nursing homes
  • Connecting to case management services
  • Disability services
  • Healthcare benefits
  • Affording prescriptions
  • Connecting to legal advice
  • Housing options
  • Medicare and Medicaid counseling
  • Support with applications and/or programs
  • Transportation Services
  • Resources for Veterans, military members, and their families

Who is Eligible?

There is no fee or any eligibility requirement for ServiceLink.

What Happens Next?

Contact a ServiceLink office directly Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.  Call toll free at 1-866-634-9412 or see the local office information below. An Options Counselor will meet with by phone, zoom meeting, or may schedule an appointment to meet with you in the office, in your home, or at another location in the community.  


The Monadnock Region includes all the towns in Cheshire County plus 13 towns in western Hillsborough County:

Antrim, Bennington, Francestown, Greenfield, Greenville, Hancock, Mason, New Ipswich, Peterborough, Temple, Sharon, Windsor, Lyndeborough.

Background Information

The ServiceLink program was established as a program of the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (NH DHHS) in 2000 by the New Hampshire legislature in response to public comment about the difficulty many people were experiencing in accessing information about long-term supports and services for aging adults and individuals with disabilities.  A key component of the ServiceLink model is to have locally accessible Resource Centers, at least one in each of New Hampshire’s 10 counties.  

ServiceLink is designated as New Hampshire’s Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC), a federal designation by the United States Department of of Health and Human Services which identifies ServiceLink as the entity in NH providing unbiased, up-to-date information and assistance to help individuals and families make informed choices about health care and other services for older adults, people with disabilities, family caregivers, Veterans, service members, and their families. 

In addition, ServiceLink is designated as New Hampshire’s full access partner within the NHCarePath which was established to streamline access to long term care services and supports, ServiceLink works collaboratively with other agencies to assist people throughout their lifespan to understand their options on a variety of topics.

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