Notice: Our Claremont location has moved to 33 Arbor Way Unit A, Charlestown, NH 03603

NH Care Collaborative

(Formerly known as Monadnock Collaborative)

The New Hampshire Care Collaborative (NHCC) fosters personal choice by educating and empowering individuals in our communities to navigate and connect with resources so they may live dignified and fulfilled lives.

Can We Help?

If you are overwhelmed and/or looking for help coordinating care for yourself or for someone you love, call NH Care Collaborative for support, resources, training and case management options.

caregiver and elderly woman looking at phone

Connect to Services

NHCC can help you connect to services that may benefit you.

See what we offer


News & Calendar

Medicare Advantage Plan Open Enrollment thru March 31 2022. 

Find out more about this and other news by clicking here.

Holding hands

Our Mission

NH Care Collaborative fosters personal choice by educating and empowering individuals in our communities to navigate and connect with resources so they may live dignified and fulfilled lives.

What can we help you with?

Choices for Independence

A program that enables you to stay in your home and live independently by receiving coordinated care.


servicelink logo

ServiceLink is here to help you get connected to the services and programs you may need. We offer options counseling to anyone, regardless of age, at no cost.

Veteran Directed Care

Veterans receive home and community based care in a self-directed program.

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